University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Block I

Graduate Student Geometric Analysis Seminar

Spring 2023

27 Jan: Karthik

Signature Theorem for Manifolds with Boundary

3 Feb: Xinran

The ambient obstruction tensor

17 Feb: Gayana

Morse inequalities on singular spaces

24 Feb: Hanna

Topological properties of the Neumann domains

3 Mar: Wilmer

Picard-Lindelöf beyond Banach spaces

24 Mar: Alex

Differential Harnack inequalities and the Ricci flow

7 Apr: Anthony

Nonstandard Dynamics and Stroboscopy

14 Apr: Kesav

An introduction to Schramm-Lowener Evolution

28 Apr: Ryan

Multilinear Eigenfunction Estimates and NLS on Sd